Manhaj Tarbiyah 1433 Pdf Free ##TOP##
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Manhaj Tarbiyah 1433: A Revised Guide for Islamic Education
Manhaj Tarbiyah 1433 is a book that provides a comprehensive and updated curriculum for Islamic education. It is based on the previous version of Manhaj Tarbiyah 1427, which was revised to suit the current challenges and developments of da'wah (Islamic propagation). The book covers various aspects of Islamic education, such as the objectives, characteristics, implementation, management, process, and resources of tarbiyah (Islamic nurturing).
The book is divided into different segments according to the levels of da'wah targets, namely tamhidi (preparatory), muayyid (supporter), muntasib (affiliated), muntazhim (organizer), and amil (activist). Each segment has its own specific goals, strategies, contents, and methods of tarbiyah. The book also explains the roles and responsibilities of different actors in tarbiyah, such as murabbi (mentor), mutarabbi (mentee), musyrif (supervisor), and SPU (Structure of Usrah Management).
Manhaj Tarbiyah 1433 is intended to be a useful reference for those who are involved in Islamic education, especially in usrah (small group) settings. The book is available in PDF format for free download from various online sources[^1^] [^2^] [^3^]. However, the book is only accessible for those who are at certain levels of tarbiyah. For example, tamhidi does not have the right to own the book, while amil can have the complete edition of the book. This is to ensure that the book is used appropriately and effectively according to the needs and abilities of each level.
Manhaj Tarbiyah 1433 has several benefits for the PKS cadres and the political environment in general. According to a study by Anwar and Dewi (2020), Manhaj Tarbiyah can enrich the political environment by enhancing the quality of political participation, political communication, political education, and political culture of the PKS cadres[^1^]. The study also found that Manhaj Tarbiyah can prevent or reduce the potential of political conflicts, violence, corruption, and radicalism among the PKS cadres.
Another benefit of Manhaj Tarbiyah 1433 is that it can foster a strong sense of identity and loyalty among the PKS cadres. The book emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision, mission, and values of PKS as an Islamic party that strives for justice and prosperity for all. The book also teaches the PKS cadres to be committed to the principles of shura (consultation), amar ma'ruf nahi munkar (enjoining good and forbidding evil), and tazkiyatun nafs (purification of the soul). These principles are expected to guide the PKS cadres in their political activities and interactions.
Furthermore, Manhaj Tarbiyah 1433 can also help the PKS cadres to develop their skills and competencies in various fields. The book provides a comprehensive curriculum that covers various topics such as Islamic creed, Islamic law, Islamic history, Islamic economics, Islamic politics, Islamic culture, Islamic civilization, and Islamic da'wah. The book also encourages the PKS cadres to learn from various sources, such as books, lectures, seminars, workshops, online media, and field visits. The book also provides various methods and tools for tarbiyah, such as usrah, halaqah (study circle), nadwah (conference), liqa' (meeting), ta'lim tarbawi (educational teaching), kultum (short speech), kalimat murabbi (mentor's words), and muwashafat (evaluation). 061ffe29dd