Lisrel 91 Download Full 531 [Extra Quality]
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How to Download Lisrel 91 Full Version for Free
Lisrel is a software package for structural equation modeling (SEM), multilevel modeling, generalized linear modeling, and basic statistical analysis. It is widely used by researchers and practitioners in various fields, such as psychology, sociology, education, marketing, and management. If you want to download Lisrel 91 full version for free, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will show you how to get a free trial license, a free student edition, or a free upgrade to Lisrel 10.20 or 9.30.
Free Trial License
If you want to try out Lisrel 91 full version for 15 days without any limitations, you can request a free trial license from the official website[^1^]. Here are the steps to follow:
Click on LISREL Downloads and scroll down to the Free trial license section.
Click on LISRELTrialLicense.xls to save the XLS file to a temporary location.
Open LISRELTrialLicense.xls with Microsoft Excel and enter your personal data in the second row.
Save the revised copy of LISRELTrialLicense.xls and attach it to an email message with the subject line LISREL Trial License.
Send the email message to
Wait for the reply with your activation code and instructions on how to install Lisrel 91 full version.
Free Student Edition
If you are a student and you want to use Lisrel 91 for basic statistical analysis and SEM with a limited number of variables, you can download the free student edition from the official website[^1^]. Here are the steps to follow:
Click on LISREL Downloads and scroll down to the Free student edition section.
Click on LISREL10StudentSetup.exe to save the EXE file to a temporary location.
Use File Explorer to open the temporary location and ensure that the saved file is approximately 56,624 KB in size.
Right-click on LISREL10StudentSetup.exe and select Run as Administrator.
Follow the installation wizard and enter your personal data when prompted.
Delete LISREL10StudentSetup.exe from the temporary location.
Free Upgrade
If you already have an active activation code for Lisrel 8 or Lisrel 9, you can upgrade to Lisrel 10.20 or 9.30 for free from the official website[^1^]. Here are the steps to follow:
Use the Windows Control Panel to uninstall your current version of Lisrel.
Delete the LISREL folders located in C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\ if they still exist after uninstalling.
Click on LISREL Downloads and scroll down to the Upgrades section.
Select your desired upgrade version (LISREL 10.20 or 9.30) and click on the corresponding setup file (LISREL10Setup.exe or LISREL930Setup.exe) to save it to a temporary location.
Use File Explorer to open the temporary location and ensure that the saved file is approximately 87,452 KB (for LISREL 10.20) or 74,229 KB (for LISREL 9.30) in size.
Right-click on the setup file and select Run as Administrator.
Follow the installation wizard and enter your activation code when prompted.
Delete the setup file from the temporary location. 061ffe29dd